COVID-19 Safety Measures and Protocols for In-Person Sessions
Living from Center is open for in person massage therapy sessions.
The safety and care of your wellbeing continues to be our utmost priority. We want to make sure you feel comfortable coming in for a massage session here.
Please note these specific measures we are taking and what you can expect.
COVID-19 Safety Measure and Protocols in place for in-person appointments at Living from Center:
We continue to have robust safety protocols in place in accordance with state and city guidelines as well as best practice recommendations from the CDC and the Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals Board.
- We are fully vaccinated.
- At this time, (as of March 5, 2022) face masks are NOT required in our building. You are, of course, welcome to continue wearing your mask as you feel comfortable.
- If you would like your therapist to wear a mask during your session, we will be happy to do so.
- Your therapist washes their hands thoroughly before your session.
- We take exceptional care to sanitize everything in between clients. This includes especially the face cradle and any other surfaces we may touch. (Note: if you prefer to not have your face in the cradle support, there are alternative methods for massaging your back that we can discuss.)
- We change and sanitize all the linens in between clients.
- When possible we can have the windows open to allow for more ventilation.
- A high quality air purifier will also be used in the room.
- The common areas, including the bathroom, in the building are cleaned and sanitized frequently throughout the day.
- Our waiting room is open and available. If however you prefer to wait in your car until the time of your appointment, you can text us when you arrive so that you can come directly up to the office and minimize contact with other people.
- We will text you the day before or the day of your session to check in if you have been experiencing any symptoms. Rescheduling is of course possible with no penalty, even if last minute.
- Finally, if the circumstance arises that your therapist is not feeling well and is concerned about covid symptoms, we will call you right away to cancel and reschedule your appointment.
- If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to us anytime by phone - 617/833-3035 or email